Top Food for Your BBQ Party

BBQ Party

If you are having a BBQ party then you will want to make sure that you have plenty of food available. After all, if you are serving BBQ meat then you will want to serve BBQ side dishes as well but finding ideas can be difficult when you are on a budget with not many options to choose from.

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Stuffed Peppers

You can fill a pepper up with couscous and spices and grill it on the BBQ. After this has been done you can then cut them in half and serve them to all of your guests. This option is relatively affordable and you would be surprised at how much people will love it when you serve it alongside pulled pork or even strips of hog roast meat.


Guacamole is a great dip if you are serving things like crisps and it also goes well when you put it with meat and other main dishes as well. You can keep it fresh in the fridge and serve it the day after, and this is ideal if you want to get the best result without having too many things going on at once. If you want to be adventurous, try making your own with some added flavours.

Hog Roast

A hog roast is also a great idea for a BBQ. You can get hog roast catering in Lancaster and they can help you to cook the meat as well as making sure that you have everything you need to get started. This is ideal because it saves time and it is the perfect food to serve alongside various side dishes. Hog roasts are also very affordable so you know you can save money by investing in one for your BBQ or even for your event in general.